Video: Overview of the new bidding process

We are very happy to bring you our second Youtube video from the series that focus on Bondora new features. Just recently, the grant of the credit provider licence from the Estonian Financial Supervision Authority (FSA) brought along some changes in the product.

One change that came together with the license was the new bidding process on the Primary Market. This means that investor capital will not be locked up until sale is made – bids to buy different claims are non-binding and can be withdrawn at any time until the closing of the transaction.

We see that this feature is something that benefits both – the investors who invest automatically and the ones who cherry pick their auctions.

What questions will be answered in the video?

1. How does the new bidding process work?
2. Why does the auction funding go over 100%? Is it a bug in the product?
3. How can I cancel my offer?
4. How can I see the amount of my pending offers on the Primary Market?

We encourage you to leave your feedback in the comments about the features you want us to cover in our upcoming videos.


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  • When does this dashboard change be implemented in live environment?
    I do not have “Pending offers” field on my dashboard.
    I have some crazy “Lifetime portfolio value” field instead

    • Kai-Riin Saluste


      “Pending offers” field on the dashboard will be live in the end of this week. And you can turn off “Lifetime portfolio value” field on your Cash Flow settings.

  • In many loans there are accepted and rejected bids. Bids are also rejected althought there was enough fund and there had been made earlier then the accepted bids. How can this happen?
    It seems that the bigger bids win so that i.g. at a 1000€ loan a lender who dids 4x 200€ late wins against all the lower bids made earlier?

    • Kai-Riin Saluste


      Up until now the auction closing bid order has been 1) full loan, 2) Portfolio Manager, 3) API and 4) manual bidding. With our latest release we removed the previous bid order that now results in equally treated offers – regardless of the means of investing or channel priority.

      The ranking only takes into account the offer size and time, regardless of the channel through which the offer was made. We constantly monitor the dynamics of the market and if there is need to adjust the order, we will do that. Rejection for the offers which have free funds on their account may mostly happen when the auction amount is small and the funding period is short. Other than that we currently don’t see a large amount of rejections because of the ranking change.

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