Weekly industry news round-up
This week one of the main topics in the industry has been Bank of Englands interest rate cut which has been already widely viewed as positive news for P2P industry. In the US, Prosper and LendingClub are both reported to be part of big financial deals. Find out more in our weekly industry news round-up below.
Bondora Annual Report 2015
Today we are releasing our audited annual report for 2015. Previously as part of our governance and risk management series we have written about how governance and risk management is handled within Bondora, overviews of Bondora’s Management Board and Supervisory Board and also last week we wrote about the audit function in Bondora. Our management has prepared a small summary of the report below. You may also want to download Bondora AS 2015 Annual Report (eng).
Updates to Bondora data features
We are currently updating all data features across our different channels: API, Data Export and web. The updates will consolidate all our different data sources and thereby make the exact same data and information available to each investor regardless of the channel they use.