We have streamlined the Primary and Secondary Market

We are happy to bring you the latest improvements to our Primary and Secondary Market requested by our investors.

On our Primary Market investors can hand-pick loans and make manual investments. It consists of loan applications that are available for investors to invest in during the auction. A successful auction results in the loan being funded and the investor gets part of the loan.

Primary market Auctions List

The “LOAN AMOUNT” and “PURPOSE” columns have now been added to the Primary Market page. The “PURPOSE” column shows the reason why the borrower is borrowing money (for ex. travelling, education, business).

When you open auction details from the “LOAN APPLICATION” column you will now see the entire sub section on one page that previously was spread around across multiple pages. We also removed some of the less used features, such as bids made by other investors. In conclusion, the navigation on the Primary Market is much more convenient now – it’s faster and more compact.

Our Secondary Market is a marketplace between investors where they can sell or buy a share of the loan with discount or mark-up. It consists of different shares of loans the investors are trying to sell and it enables to liquidate investments.

Bondora Second Market Filter

Two new filters were added:
1. Show my items
This allows you to search for the loans that you have listed on the Secondary Market.
2. Discount / Mark-up
This allows you to search for the loans within specified discount / mark-up range.

Also the speed of the page has been dramatically improved – now it loads under 1 second.

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  • I did notice significant speed improvement in the secondary market page. Cheers! That’s the way to do it.

  • Pärtel Tomberg

    Thanks, will pass this to our product team.

    PS! In terms of the planned cash flow – this feature has not been in the product for a very long time now.

  • Hi Pärtel,
    thank you. Best would be if we could see
    – numbers and amout of all loans at bondora, date of loan and rating
    – numbers of payments in time / delayed
    – own investments at bondora
    I guess there are no new loans to borrowers that are not current in payment.

  • On the primary market
    – where is the borrower’s history gone? Before last change I could see elder loans and i.g. what the borrower has paid back before.
    – before signment o a loan I could see the planed cashflow. And now?
    Why didn’t you make a linke to the old style detail page too?

    • Pärtel Tomberg

      Hi Martin – we’ll fit them back in. What information is most important when it comes to history – are there any specific aggregates you want to see?

  • James Gerrard

    It is good to see that Bondora are at last doing some of the things that investors have been asking for for a very long time. This is a welcome change from introducing things that investor’s don’t like.

    • Pärtel Tomberg

      Thanks James. The next major release should close most of the requests that have been aired over the past year.

  • Thanks.

    Can you guys do the cashflow page next?

    Its very buggy at the moment. Yesterday’s totals have not been summed and cashflow predictions still include payments from loans that have defaulted. Since the defaults pay nothing / very little / very irregularly i’d prefer if the cashflow page takes into account only the actual payments made and excludes the projected payments of defaulted loans from future cashflow.


    • Kai-Riin Saluste


      The cash flow page update is currently in progress – our engineering team is working on the statistics and reporting pages in general. We’ll keep you posted when the updates are ready.

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