It’s been a while since Bondora created its Wishlist tool. This feature allows investors to suggest improvements to our platform, request new features, and even report found issues.
As we enter the final period of the year, the timing is perfect for us to show you the most requested features and how we approached them.

Earlier this year, we heard your calling for a cleaner Go & Grow experience. So we improved the design and changed how information is shown, providing a look that is simple yet complete. One quick peek, and you see all your Go & Grow info in the same place.

Another request was the ability to forecast your investments. We heard you, and now this is available on your Go & Grow page through the sandwich icon.
The forecast tool allows you to input different amounts for initial investments, monthly contributions, and duration. Play with the numbers and create the perfect plan to achieve your financial goals!

Security has also been a concern for many users. So much so that earlier this year, we adopted 2-factor authentication. This is an extra level of security for your account, which means that all account transactions and personal details changes need to be confirmed with an additional unique SMS PIN code sent to your registered mobile number. This is a safety benefit, and all Bondora users can enjoy it.
There were also improvements on the Wishlist UI and experience itself. Now when you post a new idea, our team will tag it according to the status, like “reviewing” or “rejected”, and comment on it to give you feedback. Whenever your request gets a status update, you will receive a notification email to guarantee you kept up to date throughout the process.

In progress…
The most requested feature of all time was not really a feature, but rather an app. Yes, Bondora’s mobile app for Go & Grow is finally coming out of the oven!
In the first release, you will be able to check your balance. Later versions will make it possible to add money, withdraw, and more. Created by investors, for investors.

If you are interested in accessing the app before it’s fully launched, make sure to subscribe to our waiting list here.
By the way, did you know that Bondora’s entire platform is mobile optimized? This means that even without an app you can access on your phone and have a smooth experience. Earlier this year we fixed a small error that wasn’t allowing you to scroll to the “Cash flow” section, but now you can. There’s always room for improvement, so if you’re missing some specific functionality – don’t hesitate to let us know!
You have also asked us to come up with a better dashboard. Many investors suggested they wanted to see their investments on Go & Grow separated from everything else, so this is now on the cards. We hope to bring you a better dashboard experience soon, keep an eye for updates.
Enjoy the little things
As much as the app and an upcoming new dashboard are impactful changes, we also made a handful of smaller improvements that might have gone unnoticed.
Now when your Portfolio Pro setup reaches its investment limit, you will receive an email notification. Then you are better informed to revisit your strategy and change the limit or add money as necessary.
Investors in the secondary market wanted the ability to keep their listings for longer, so now the 30-day standard listing time has been expanded to 90. More time to make sure you get all those transactions done!

Finally, managing your Portfolio Pro strategy is now easier. You asked for a way to change parameters and investment rules without having to create a new portfolio, and now you can. Simply click on the pencil icon, and you can edit your strategy as you wish.

These were just some of the most sought after improvements of the year. We are approaching 100,000 investors, so please make sure to add your ideas to our Wishlist and make your voice heard. It’s really a pleasure taking community input to better refine our products, and we count on you to help us out.
*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75%. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.