January 2023: €17M+ Each for Originations and Investments

The new year started with a bang! Originations launched into 2023 with an impressive €17,137,703 in loans. Investments followed suit, with investors adding €17,087,257 to their accounts. Both figures increased from their 2022 peak performances in December. Read on for more details:

Originations and investments kick off 2023 with over €17M each.
Originations and investments kick off 2023 with over €17M each.

Investment by product

Investments rose by 6.7% to a total of €17,087,257. This is setting an excellent tone for the start of the new year.

Go & Grow received €16,560,635. This is 96.9% of all investments, once again. Portfolio Manager followed with €312,998, a 1.8% share, then Portfolio Pro with €211,733, a 1.2% share, and the API with €1,891. All products, except the API, increased.

The specific figures for each investment product are shown here:

Go & Grow                       + 6.5%

Portfolio Manager          + 8.4%

Portfolio Pro                    + 3.6%

API                                    – 4.3%

Investment by product – January 2023
Investment by product – January 2023

Once again, Portfolio Manager had the most significant percentage increase (8.4%), but it only totaled €312,998 of the total investment amount in the Bondora portfolio. It pales in comparison to Go & Grow’s €16,560,635. Portfolio Pro had a 3.6% increase, totaling €211,733. And the API decreased by 4.3%, acquiring just €1,892.

From 27 February, we can expect that the funding for Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro will become less due to these two products being closed to new investments. As Go & Grow has proved to be the far more used product among all our investors, we’ve decided to focus more on that. You can read more about this shift here.

Investment by product – January 2022
Investment by product – January 2022

Loan originations overview

After peaking in December 2022, it’s excellent to see January continue on that positive trajectory. Loan originations increased by 6.4% from €16,107,253 in December to €17,137,703 in January. The Dutch market reopened, and all other markets showed increases in originations, except for Estonia.

Loans by country

Finland remains the market with the most impressive growth. It increased its origination total by a mammoth 18.8% to €11,364,004. This is one of the highest origination levels in Bondora’s history! Unsurprisingly, this equals the largest share of originations, which is 66.3%.

Despite its 15.5% decline, Estonian originations totaled €4,555,400. This is a total share of 26.6%.

Rebounding from December’s decrease, loan originations in Spain rose by 1.3% to €1,165,880 in originations. This equals a 6.8% share.

We reopened the Netherlands market for new originations during the 2nd half of January. A total of €52,419 in loans was originated. This accounts for a 0.3% share. We are still doing tests and analyzing the performance, so we don’t expect too much activity yet.

Loan interest rates

The average interest rate stabilized in January, dropping just 0.1% from December to 19.8%. As has become the norm, the average Spanish interest rate remains at 21.8%. Estonia’s average interest rate also stabilized and mimicked the average interest rate of 19.8%. And in Finland, it remained constant at 19.8%. The Dutch market average interest rate is 7.5%.

Origination by country – January 2023

Loan risk-rating categories

C-rated loans remain the most populated risk-rating category overall, but not necessarily in each market.

This month, Estonia’s C-rated share continues to decrease from 18.9% to 9.9%. This is because D-rated loans increased their share, and AA-, A- and B-rated loans were also originated in Estonia. E-rated loans grew slightly, while F-rated loans decreased from 2.1% to 0.9%.

In Finland, C-rated loans increased from 45.8% to 51.3%. Its B- and D-rated categories also increased, 2.5% and 12.6%, respectively. In Spain, D-rated loans now comprise the largest category with 6.0%. C-rated loans only make up 0.6%. In the Netherlands, we only originate AA- and A-rated loans, with the former taking the largest share.

Origination by rating/country – January 2022
Origination by rating/country– January 2022

Want to see more detailed information? Head to our public statistics page for the most up-to-date stats!

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