Monthly origination summary – September 2016

September was a good month for loan originations. Bondora originated just over 2.6 million EUR in loans during the month. Below is the breakdown of originations by country and rating for the period of September 2016.

Loan origination by country

At 58% of all September originations, Estonia is still the biggest source for loan originations. From Spain, originations amounted to 26% and the remaining 15% comes from Finland.

Share by country – September 2016
Country Interest Amount Share
ESTONIA 25,77% 1534395 58,41%
SPAIN 58,74% 691130 26,31%
FINLAND 34,46% 401335 15,28%

Loan origination by grade

Thanks to Spain, our largest origination source across all countries was from HR rating at 25.87%, followed by D rating loans at 18.76%. However, ratings C, E and F are in the tight range of 13.83% to 15.30% of total originations for September.

In Spain, our largest originations, by far, came from the HR grade at 568,515 EUR. It’s a 21% share of all loans. In Estonia, 2/3 of all loans originated were from the C,D and E loan grades (66%). The most popular loan grade in Finland was the D grade where originations amounted to 121,255 EUR.

Share by country and grade – September 2016
Monthly origination summary – September 2016 EstoniaESTONIA Monthly origination summary – September 2016 SpainSPAIN Monthly origination summary – September 2016 FinlandFINLAND
BR Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share Interest Amount Share
AA 10,42% 14335 0,93%
A 12,59% 59905 3,90%
B 16,03% 239790 15,63%
C 21,11% 332640 21,68% 22,08% 42825 10,67%
D 26,03% 371485 24,21% 27,37% 121255 30,21%
E 32,02% 304015 19,81% 35,99% 6900 1,00% 33,64% 90865 22,64%
F 37,57% 150160 9,79% 43,16% 115715 16,74% 40,14% 97420 24,27%
HR 48,25% 62065 4,04% 63,40% 568515 82,26% 54,18% 48970 12,20%

Overall, we had an excellent month of loan volume spread across all countries and grades.

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