3-step withdrawal process

Making withdrawals from your Bondora account is now better with just a few clicks.

How does this work?

First, click the withdraw tab on your main menu and select Payment type which can be VISA, SEPA, Transferwise or Bondora

In Step 2, choose from which of your Bondora account you want to withdraw from, for example, your main Bondora account or your Go & Grow accounts

And in step 3, select which bank account you want to withdraw to and the amount, then click the confirm button. It’s that easy!

For more, connect with us on Facebook @bondoracapital and subscribe to our channel for more videos. Till next time, thanks for watching and see you soon.

¿Cansado de los grandes bancos y de sus maneras robóticas?
Obtén el préstamo que mereces de Bondora.

  • Una oferta de préstamo personalizada en línea en 60 segundos
  • Opciones de pago flexibles
  • No hay tarifas ocultas
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