A recap of our top Go & Grow tips in August

This month, we highlighted more features of Bondora’s most popular Peer-to-Peer lending product – Go & Grow. Catch up with the latest tips below.

Tax Reporting & Efficiency

The tax treatment is different for Go & Grow compared to our other products, which is why you can download a separate tax report specifically for Go & Grow.

To get started, click on the “Go & Grow tax report“ below your account on the Go & Grow page, specify the period, and select whether you want to include accounts with other authorized users in your report, then click on “Create report“. After that, you can immediately download your report in PDF format.

Go & Grow – Lower Risk

With a diversified portfolio of investments backed by advanced and reliable technology, we are able to achieve lower risk with Go & Grow than our existing products.

As the net return is up to 6.75%* p.a., any return generated above this is rather reinvested and added to reserves in order to ensure a continuous delivery of 6.75%* net return p.a.

Potential Gain, Your Contribution and Total Pot

With the help of simplified settings, you can forecast your Potential Gain, Your Contribution and your Total pot over a specific period of time.

On your Go & Grow page, click the “Create a new Go & Grow portfolio“ button, choose the option that suits your primary purpose of investing and click next. On the next page, enter your starting amount, how much you want to deposit monthly and for how many years.

No annual management fees

There is a saying that everything good comes with a price. Perhaps this is why many of our investors have asked what charges and fees are attached to Go & Grow.

Well, there are no annual management fees to use the service, you only pay a flat 1€ withdrawal fee for each withdrawal you make, no matter the size of your Go & Grow account.

You should also know that there are no withdrawal fees when withdrawing from your main account “Available funds“ to your bank account.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75%. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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