‘We’re on a mission to change the world’ – Bondora CEO comments on 2018 financial results

Bondora sustained rapid growth in 2018. Group revenues were €10,311,268 in 2018 and ended the financial year with a profit. Revenue increased by 51%, driven by sustainable growth in issued loans that was supported by product development aimed at retail investors. Loans issued reached 60.8 million euro – a 74% increase over the previous financial year.

This is what Pärtel Tomberg, Bondora’s CEO & Founder, had to say:

Our greatest wish is that people around the world seeking to secure their future will turn to Bondora instead of a bank. And 2018’s financial results are testament to the satisfaction and engagement of our customers. We’ll continue to exceed expectations by growing ethically, keeping our promises, and expanding an already unparalleled team. We’re on a mission to change the world – but it’s the 70,000 Bondora investors that are at the forefront of this change.’

In 2013, Bondora’s revenue stood at €0.3M. In 2018, this figure had risen 3,433% to €10.6M. Along with the 2 consecutive years of being a profitable company, investors can be confident in the longevity of Bondora.

Bondora’s revenue (M EUR), 2013 – 2018 

You can find the full article and financial report here.

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