Bondora’s Best from 2021

Happy New Year! With the New Year comes a new sense of possibility and motivation. And we think a good way to kick off 2022 is to celebrate the achievements of 2021! Check out some of our proudest stats from last year:


At the time of writing, 37,163 new investors joined Bondora! We now have over 184 000 investors. 146,727 investors use Go & Grow, and the majority (69,189) hail from Germany.

Over €139 million was invested throughout 2021. This has pushed our total investment to over €500 million!

Our investors have earned more than €11 million in returns in 2021 alone.


The average loan in 2021 looks like this:

  • Loan amount: €2,756.3
  • 21.1% interest rate

September was the month we celebrated an unprecedented new recovery record. Our collection team recovered €2,346,197 in missed payments in just one month.

In November 2021, we originated € 20,533,575’s worth of loans on Bondora. This is the 2nd highest monthly origination amount in Bondora history! And we’re excited to break that record soon…


Ready, set, Go & Grow! We launched an all-new Go & Grow app in 2021. It has all the essential features you need to check your investment and add or withdraw money. It’s Go & Grow on the go! Get it for free from your app store.

In November, we hit 10k followers on Instagram! If you’re not following us yet, there are over 10,000 people that would suggest you should 😉

We also celebrated our 4th year of profitability! Our revenue increased by 4.9% to €21.3M, increasing our net profit by 42.9% to €3.4M. We’re super proud of these results and anticipate next year to be even better.

Thank you for being a part of our journey. We will continue to break records, exceed your expectations, and help you achieve your financial goals for many years to come. Together, we can make 2022 your best financial year yet!

¿Cansado de los grandes bancos y de sus maneras robóticas?
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  • Una oferta de préstamo personalizada en línea en 60 segundos
  • Opciones de pago flexibles
  • No hay tarifas ocultas
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