Categorías: Stats & Data

April 2023: Slight Dips in Originations & Investments

The 2nd quarter of 2023 kicked off with solid numbers. March statistics smashed all previous records and set new all-time highs for investments and originations. Although the numbers have dipped slightly, they're still topping €20M each, which sets us on track to reach our goals. Here are more stats from April: 1,309 new investors joined…
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Investments and Originations Topped €23M Each

March statistics set new all-time highs for investments and loan originations. Both topped €23 million. Increasing by 21.2%, loan originations totaled a record-breaking €23,300,618. And investments increased by 12.6% to a total of €23,256,640. Read on for more: Investment by product Reaching a new record-high, investments rose by 12.6%, equaling €23,256,640. Go & Grow received €23,204,495,…
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New Records for Originations and Investments in March 2023

Record-breaking news! The first quarter of 2023 started and ended with a bang. After February had some of the highest origination and investment figures we’ve seen post-pandemic, March statistics smashed all previous records to set new all-time highs. Investments and originations topped €23 million each. Read on for more standout stats from March: 1,645 new…
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Are You Our Credit Risk Reporting Lead? Apply today >>

We're looking for a Credit Risk Reporting Lead to join our incredible risk team. We're scaling our business to match our increasing goals and need top talent to embark on our ambitious journey to help more people enjoy life with less money stress. If you're excited to join a hyper-growth company that helps people build…
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Originations Surpass €19M & Investments Exceed €20M

2023's figures continue to exceed expectations. Investments for February topped €20M for the first time in years, with a total of €20,660,543. Increasing by 12.2%, loan originations totaled €19,228,733. This is the highest origination figure we've seen since 2019! Investments and originations are up from January's figures. Read on for more: Investment by product Investments…
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New High for 2023: Over €20 Million Invested

February continued the momentum that 2023 started with. Loan originations increased by a solid 12.2%, totaling €19,228,733. This is the highest origination figure we’ve seen since 2019! And investments topped the charts too, with a 2023 high of €20,660,543 invested on Bondora last month. Dig in for more of the standout stats from February: 1,071…
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January 2023: €17M+ Each for Originations and Investments

The new year started with a bang! Originations launched into 2023 with an impressive €17,137,703 in loans. Investments followed suit, with investors adding €17,087,257 to their accounts. Both figures increased from their 2022 peak performances in December. Read on for more details: Investment by product Investments rose by 6.7% to a total of €17,087,257. This…
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2022 Origination and Investment Figures End on a High

Origination and investment figures ended 2022 on a high, literally. A total of € 16,107,253's loans were originated in December, which is the highest figure for 2022! Similarly, investments also had their peak performance, totaling €16,050,542. Discover more details here: Investment by product November showed slight declines across all our investment products. Investors added just…
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Impressive Growth for Investments and Originations

In October, we saw favorable increases in investments and originations. Originations exceeded €15M, and investments €14M. This puts us on track for a good Q4 in 2022. Spanish originations exceeded 1M once again. Read more: Investment by product In contrast to September, investments for all products increased in October. All in all, they totaled €14,861,329—a…
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Over €1M Originated in Spain & New Loan Market Launched

Even though originations and investments declined somewhat in September, it remained an exciting month for us. We launched our loan product in the Netherlands, and Spanish loan originations exceeded €1M for the first time since March 2020. Read more: Investment by product In September, investments totaled €12,252,773. This is a 14.8% drop from August. This…
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