Categorías: Stats & Data

Secondary Market Activity Surges

After 3 months' decline, the Secondary Market had an upturn in activity. A total of €166,114.83 was transacted on the Secondary Market. This is an increase of 8.9% from February. Let's take a more detailed look: The driving force behind this month's increase is the API's growth rate of 26.9%. This increase is a welcome…
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Strong 2021 Q4 Bolsters Performance across Markets

The yearly return rate for 2021 also continues to outperform this month's target rate by 5.6%. Our quarterly performance is also looking strong, with all four quarters of 2021 performing above their target rates. After substantial increases from the last month, all three markets are now exceeding their target rates for 2021 Q4. Yearly performance…
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€773,447 Recovered in February

After a very ambitious January, the collection and recovery numbers settled more in February. The number of payments and the cash collected declined by 0.6% and 16%, respectively. This is the first time in 6 months that the number of payments recovered didn’t increase. A total of 74,786 payments were recovered, and €773,447 cash was…
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Originations Top €14M for 2nd Month, and more!

February followed in January's footsteps with a similar figure for loan originations. €14,130,610's worth of loans were originated in February. Meanwhile, investors added a total of €13,938,296 to their Bondora accounts. This is a very slight decline of 1.1% from January, but it's still a solid number compared to the last couple of months. Read…
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3rd Slow Month for the Secondary Market

The Secondary Market entered its 3rd month of declines in transactions, as activity fell further to €152,547 in February. This is a 31.7% drop from January. The most significant decline was with Portfolio Manager activity. Let's take a more detailed look: This isn't the first month Portfolio Manager has declined. It's been diving since December,…
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Strong Increases for Bondora Recoveries

The collection and recovery team started 2022 on a high note. The number of loans and the total amount of debt recovered increased from the previous month. This is the 5th consecutive month that the number of loans recovered rose. A total of €920,640 was recovered in January. True to the historical pattern, most debt…
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Yearly 2021 Portfolio Outperforms Target by 5.5%

2022 is off to a good start, as our yearly return rate for 2021 outperforms the target rate by 5.5%. The quarterly performance has also improved from December, with all four quarters of 2021 performing above their target rates. Yearly performance It’s great to see a solid start to the yearly portfolio performance at the…
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Secondary Market Activity Decreases Again

In contrast to the up and down pattern we’ve become accustomed to with the Secondary Market, January’s activity continued to decline from December’s drop, falling to €223,396 in January. Overall, activity saw a drop of 10.8%. Let’s take a more detailed look: Portfolio Manager continued on its downward path we’ve seen from December, falling further by 25.7%.…
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January: More than €14M Invested and Originated

In January, a total of €14,092,612 was invested on Bondora. Even though there was a decline of 14.7% from December, it was still an excellent start to the year compared to January 2021, when only €6,186,462 was invested. Read more: All four product categories decreased on the month: Go & Grow                       - 14.7%Portfolio Manager…
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Bondora’s Yearly Portfolio Outperforms Target

As we end 2021, our yearly return rates for the year outperform the target rate by 5.4%. Every quarter of the 2021 quarterly performance statistics performed well above target rates, except for Q4, which was 0.5% below target. However, all four quarters from 2020 continue to outperform their target rates. Yearly performance Even though the…
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