Time to buckle up! Here’s our 7th Bondora Superstar: Grete Kmito

This month, we’re getting to know Grete Kmito – a Customer Support Specialist extraordinaire and our 7th Bondora Superstar. Our Bondora Superstars blog series showcases Bondorians’ passion for what they do, why they love working at Bondora and other cool things you didn’t know about them. Grete is known to have quite a wide range of hobbies. And you’ll never guess what her absolute best past-time is. Her favorite hobby is… you’ll have to read on to find out what it is 😉

Bondora Superstars #7 — Grete Kmito

👱🏼️Bondorian since: 2019

😊Role: Customer Support Specialist – Russian & Estonian

🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏼Team: Customer Relations: Loans

Grete's life motto: "Today is a gift: It really is!"
Grete’s life motto: «Today is a gift: It really is!»

Grete became a Bondora Superstar in June 2019. She works in the Customer Relations: Loans team and specializes in assisting Estonian and Russian-speaking customers. She enjoys helping to solve their queries and ensure they’re getting the best experience with Bondora. But first….


Before she dives into her day, Grete likes to enjoy a good cup of coffee and a chat with her colleagues. Having a good relationship with your team members is essential, and coffee is simply the best way to start the day. Then, in a good mood,  she starts solving customers’ queries, does translations, and other tasks to make Bondora even better for our customers.

What’s the most rewarding part of working at Bondora?

«Oh, there are so many. There are good people to work with, a beautiful office close to my home, the fantastic company benefits, and the fact that every day is different and interesting. Also, I would like to highlight that Bondora is very animal-friendly. So, we can bring our wagging tails to the office and share some furry happiness all around!»

What’s your favorite Bondora value? «No bullshit! – Do what you say, say what you can do!»

You’re one of the youngest people in Bondora – how do you think this influences your position in the company?

«My first thought was like hmm, should it even? I’ve never felt like my age influences anything. Everyone in Bondora is a good specialist, regardless of their age. We have employees of all ages, and you can find a common language with everyone!»

📚 Grete’s must-read book:

The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov (Or if you want to, you should read the original Russian novel «Мастер и Маргарита»)

🏎️ Start your investment engines!

Grete sped off on her investment journey when she was barely in middle school. She bought her first car for €200 when she was 14. Then a couple of weeks later, she sold it for €800. Can you spell P-R-O-F-I-T? This was the start of not only her investment journey but also her love of cars.

What’s the best investment advice you’ve ever gotten?

«Invest in what you know…and nothing more.»

OK, enough business, let’s cruise into the slow lane 🚗

Grete is very involved with charity programs and has a passion for giving back. Since joining Bondora, she’s led the annual Christmas charity drive so that Bondorians can give gifts to orphanage children. And every year it’s been a wonderful success.

Which charity organization do you feel should be supported by everyone?

«Thanks for mentioning that. I love doing it, mostly because people/animals in need are special! I think there are many different charity organizations that you can support, and you can choose those most suitable for you. I mostly help animals and orphanage children. I cannot pass a person who needs help.»

Pineapple on pizza?


What’s your favorite food?

Homemade dumplings with sour cream

And what food do you refuse to eat?

Tuna fish

What’s your spirit animal?

A Wolf 🐺 They are super intelligent and have strong instincts.

And here’s the answer everyone’s waiting for. What’s your absolute favorite hobby?

«Most of my hobbies are not really girly… My number 1 hobby involves cars and speed. I have no fear of speed – some might even say I have a need for speed 😉 But I also like to slow down and fix old cars. I would love to have my own huge garage to restore old cars and tune them.»

And there you have it! Grete’s surprising and super cool hobby has been revealed. She’s proof that Bondorians are passionate about many things, including making Bondora the best online investment company in Europe. Join us again next month as we get to know our 8th Bondora Superstar ⭐️

The views and opinions expressed in this article are that of the individual and not Bondora’s official view.

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