Portfolio Pro share increases: June funding stats

Following two straight months of record-setting investments, Bondora investments fell in June. In total €9,406,795 of funding was generated, with an increase in investments via Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro. Go & Grow investment in June totaled €5,434,743.

Go & Grow wins 58% of the share

Investors shifted their money out of Go & Grow and into more customized investment options. Go & Grow accounted for 58% of all Bondora investment in June, down 6% from the previous month. Investment in both Portfolio Pro and Portfolio Manager increased by 3% to 22% and 19% of total investment respectively. This could be due to an increase in investors looking for more control over their portfolio, and with a long-term outlook.

More Confidence From Investors

Investment in Bondora peer-to-peer loans are still at some of its highest levels ever. While monthly investments are expected to continue to rise, Bondora sees a milestone of a quarter of a billion euros in total investments to be reached later this year.

As new investors become more confident in their knowledge of peer-to-peer investing, it is expected that there will be a shift to more customized investment options. This could be what shifted investors out of Go & Grow and into Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro. Although, this data trend only applies to this month, and could certainly change in the months to come.

Learn more about the different Bondora investment options here.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary

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