Managing risk with filtered investments view

Some Bondora investors leverage higher interest rates of riskier loans to achieve a more aggressive return. However, in the pursuit of a better ROI how does the savvy investor manage this risk? The filtering feature in the “Investments” page offers solutions.

Bondora has always outpaced the competition with transparency and usability of data. The filtering capabilities showcases both. With more than 30 different attributes listed in the filtering view, users can prioritize which aspects of the loans are listed first.

Filtering out a desired set of loans

Those with capital spread over numerous loans can filter out the desired set of loans based on a particular metric. For example, this allows for a more consolidated review of loans that may be past due. This is an important feature for those who need to isolate the more sensitive investments from a diverse group.

Lets take a take specific case as an example – rescheduled loans operate on a different dynamic than traditional ones. For these loans lenders may need to monitor accrued interest and late charges from defaulted loans. The practice of filtering this data allows investors to remain cognizant of performance after a rescheduling occurs due to delinquent payments. In the example below, we have search for all loans that have been rescheduled in 2016 by using the filters «Status» and «Rescheduled on«.

Search  filters - managing risk


The below example represents filtering based on filters selected above. This consolidated view shows the total accrued interest and late charges on all loans that are 60+ days overdue. To get this set of all rescheduled loans, open the filters from the top right corner of the table.



Managing risk by tracking specific set of loans

The value of this dynamic view is that risk can be viewed holistically. This composite approach is the foundation of modern portfolio theory which stresses the importance of examining a piece of a portfolio in the context of all other holdings. In short: users can manage relative risk.

Use this feature to better understand how higher interest holdings impact the total picture of your portfolio so you can make wise long-term decisions.

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