El blog de Bondora

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The Psychology of Money: Understanding Your Financial Behavior

If you want to explore how your emotions and mindset affect your financial behaviors and get tips on developing a positive financial mindset, this article is for you.
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NEW RECORD: Bondora Group Monthly Stats June 2024

🎉June was a record-breaking month for loan originations, thanks to astronomical growth in Finland and the Netherlands. Overall, Bondora Group’s loan originations totaled €24,567,566 – the highest origination amount ever! Read on to discover more exciting information about Bondora Group's June numbers and statistics. New investors In June, 1,507 more people created investor accounts with…
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7 Affordable Outdoor Activities: Enjoy a Care-free Summer

Summer is here! It’s the perfect time to gather your friends and family and make the most of the warm weather and long days. And with the long school holidays, there's no better opportunity to get outside and have fun (without breaking the bank). Here are 10 budget-friendly outdoor activities to enjoy this summer. 1.…
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Bondora Group Monthly Stats May 2024

Are you ready for a brand-new statistic? Of course you are! We know you enjoy seeing all the latest news and numbers from the Bondora Group. So, besides the usual investment, origination, and new investor stats, you can also see… wait, we'll let you discover it for yourself 😉 New Investors in May 2,166 more…
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Your Eight Essential Tips for Smart Summer Spending

Summer is upon us, bringing longer days, warmer weather, and a tempting array of activities and travel opportunities. Whether you're planning a beach getaway, a cultural city tour, or simply enjoying the local festivities, it's easy to get carried away and with summer spending. But fear not! With some strategic planning and mindful habits, you…
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Bondora Group Monthly Stats April 2024 

Welcome to our monthly stats post for April. It's your dose of insights into our growth and performance. It's all the numbers, updates, and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read.  Grab your coffee, and let's dive into Bondora Group's April news and statistics.  New Investors  In April, 1,984 more people…
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Your Guide to Financial Success through Each Life Stage

Throughout each unique life stage, you will experience different challenges and opportunities associated with each part of life. Along this journey, your financial priorities and challenges evolve, shaping your path toward your financial well-being goals. Whether just starting early adulthood or almost retiring, understanding how to navigate the different life stages can help you achieve…
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New Record: Bondora Group Monthly Stats March 2024

In March, our investors added a total of €31,559,188 to their Bondora accounts. This is our highest-ever investment amount! Read more:
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✨ New and Revamped Monthly Stats

Welcome to Bondora's revamped monthly recap! This is your monthly dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read. Grab your coffee, and let's dive into Bondora Group’s January and February statistics. New investors First, we want to welcome all…
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5 Easy Ways to Spring Clean Your Finances

As spring approaches, it’s not just our homes that could benefit from a spring clean – our finances could, too! Just as we clear out clutter and dust from our living spaces, tidying up financial habits can lead to a healthier financial future. So, here are 5 easy ways to use your spring renewal mindset…
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