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Millennials v Gen Z: Who’s Better at Investing?

If investing were a battleground, who would emerge the victor: Gen Z or millennials? The former are those born between 1997 and 2012, and millennials were born between 1981 and 1996. Each generation is equipped with unique tools and faces particular economic challenges, but it's how they use these tools and respond to these challenges…
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Scared of Investing? 5 Tips to Overcome Your Fear and Start Now

Changing your lifestyle can be difficult, and many of us are hesitant to take a chance on anything unfamiliar or uncertain. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about investing money, but are afraid of doing it wrong or losing money. Investing is a critical component of your financial health and can help you build wealth and attain…
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Investments and Originations Grow Again

After having a slow month in June, investment and loan origination figures rebounded and increased steadily by 18.7%. This brought both totals to a solid €15,333,326 in July. This is encouraging to see at the start of Q3. Read more: Investment by product Investment funding increased by 18.7%, from €12,913,190 in June to €15,333,326  in…
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5 Ways to Save Money While Inflation is Rising

In May 2022, the average inflation rate in the EU reached a staggering 8.8%. While in France it didn’t exceed 6%, the 20% inflation rate in Estonia or the 15% one in the Czech Republic makes one wonder — will the situation stabilize? Here is the thing—whether it’s 6% or 20%—a growing inflation rate means…
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What is a Recession?

During the first half of 2022, fears of a recession seized headlines in Europe and the rest of the world. No one can predict the future, although many economists forecast an impending European recession. We often hear the word recession being thrown around casually, rarely with regard to what it means and why it is…
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July 2022: Over €1M Recovered

After a slow June, our collection and recovery figures rebounded as anticipated. The number of recovered loans, as well as the total cash recovered, increased. The total recovered cash also climbed to exceed €1 million once again! Read more: The count of loans grew by 0.5% to 79,395 loans in July. And the cash total…
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How to Beat Inflation with 3 Easy Strategies

‘The silent killer of money’—a synonym for inflation, and enough reason to want to overcome it. And there’s a good reason for it. If left unchecked, inflation can erode the value of your euro, meaning everything you buy becomes more expensive. Ordinarily, a little inflation – roughly 2% annually – is a normal part of…
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Secondary Market Activity Continues to Tumble

The number and value of Secondary Market transactions continue to tumble downward. This is in contrast to other activity on Bondora that has picked up after June's summer slump, but the interest in market transactions has not rebounded yet. Activity decreased by 24.5% to a total of €104,846 transacted. Read more: Once again, all three…
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7 Books You Want to Add to Your Summer Reading List

Summer is a great time to take a vacation, relax on the beach, and spend time with family and friends. It’s also a great time to catch up on reading, learn new things, and become a better you. Reading is one of the easiest and most powerful ways to educate and inspire yourself and can…
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Slow Summer Month for Investments and Originations

After stabilizing in May, investment figures declined from €15,458,394 to €12,913,190 in June. And with loan originations, there was an overall decline of 17.3%. This was expected, as there have been slowdowns in origination and investment activity during the height of summer in the past. Despite the declines, most of the statistics remained consistent, with slight…
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