Tips to pass ID verification at once! – Bondora (Video)

Click here for the German (Link) or Estonian (Link) video.

Overall, to ensure your ID is accepted the first time, here are some handy tips for you:

• upload clear pictures of your national ID, both front and back sides
• upload only colour copies
• ensure the texts are easy to read with no information covered or edges cut out
• take the photo in natural light, without using flash
• and lastly, upload your files in either pdf, gif, jpg, tiff or png format

If your ID is rejected by our verification team, they’ll send you a message with the reason why they couldn’t accept it and specifically what you need to do for it to be accepted next time.

If this tip was helpful, leave us a comment and be sure to connect with us on Facebook @bondoracapital. Until next time, thanks for watching, keep investing and bye for now.

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