El blog de Bondora

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NOVEDAD: Rompe los límites – Alcanza tus metas del 2024 con Go & Grow 🌱📈

¡Ahora puedes ganar hasta un 6,75% de rendimiento anual en toda tu cartera Go & Grow actual y en cualquier inversión adicional que hagas aunque supere el límite mensual! Rompe los límites. Alcanza tus metas >>
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Enhorabuena al ganador de nuestra celebración especial por los mil millones de euros🎊

Queremos dar las gracias a todos los inversores que se unieron a nosotros en nuestra celebración especial por los mil millones de euros invertidos con Bondora.
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TWO NEW RECORDS 🏅🏅 Bondora Group Stats July 2024

Olympic fever has reached Bondora! Read about the ground-breaking investment and loan origination numbers from the Bondora Group July stats:
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From Intern to Senior Credit Risk Analyst – Meet Our Next Bondorian in the Spotlight

World, meet Sten Raak, our 42nd Bondorian in the Spotlight. He started as an intern and soon proved to be a perfect match for us. Read more:
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Bondora Group suma nuevos miembros a su Consejo de Supervisión

Esta primavera, el Consejo de Supervisión del Grupo Bondora se amplió con nuevos miembros. Obtenga más información sobre los altos directivos y expertos con amplia experiencia que ahora ayudarán a Bondora a cumplir su misión >>.
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Invest and win: Celebrating €1 Billion Invested with Bondora 🎊

Updated on 29 July (CEO introduces grand prize of €10,000) One. Billion. Euros. That's how much you, as a community, have invested with us. This incredible achievement has marked a significant point in our journey since 2008, and it was made possible by our customers. Thank you! EDIT:🎉Time to invest and win BIG! To celebrate…
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Celebrating Success: Bondora Alumni at Flowstep

Have you ever wondered what sparks the creation of a groundbreaking startup? Join us behind the scenes of one such story, one with roots in Bondora. Picture this: A group of talented individuals are building something incredible at Bondora, each bringing their unique skills and perspectives to the table. Among them were Kaarel Roben, former…
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New Record: Bondora Group Monthly Stats March 2024

In March, our investors added a total of €31,559,188 to their Bondora accounts. This is our highest-ever investment amount! Read more:
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🔴2024 Q&A Video with Bondora CEO

Welcome to our 2024 Q&A with Pärtel Tomberg, the CEO and Co-founder of Bondora. Thank you for your interest and for sending in all your questions. Pärtel answered the most-asked ones. In this video, Pärtel talks about our plans to improve the current investor experience, his 5-year vision for Bondora, how we are building trust,…
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Explore the Life of a Software Engineer at Bondora: Meet Taavi Kala!

Today, we introduce you to Taavi Kala, our 39th Bondorian in the Spotlight. Since joining Bondora in 2023 as a software engineer, he’s explored various new opportunities and broadened his coding horizons. Read on to see what he enjoys about life at Bondora, what he does in his free time (hint: cute pet pics included),…
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