El blog de Bondora

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Bondora Named a Top 200 Global Fintech by CNBC

CNBC, a world leader in business news, has announced its top 200 fintech companies worldwide. And this year, Bondora features on this prestigious list. We’re thrilled and honored to be listed among fintech legends like Revolut, PayPal, Klarna, and more. Working with Statista, a respected market research and data analytics company, CNBC shared the list…
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An Innovative Mindset + Excellent Self-discipline = Aleksandr, Our 35th Superhero

A fit body and fit mind perfectly characterize this Superhero. Aleksandr Knjažetski is as into triathlons as he’s into being a Jira power user. This guy is a next-level driven innovator at work. So, get inspired by reading the article below👇 Bondora Superhero #35 — Aleksandr Knjažetski 👦Bondorian since October 2022 👨‍💼Role: Engineering Manager ⚙️Team:…
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Bondora Highlights from Q2 2023

We’re more than halfway through the year! Like with any goal, it’s essential to celebrate achievements along the way to stay motivated on the path to success. A lot has happened already, and there’s much to be proud of. Here are 6 highlights from Q2 2023; check them out:  Go & Grow reopened to all…
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Bondora Committed to Improving Credit Industry for Customers

‘So far, we have issued credit agreements in accordance with the law and previous guidelines. We don’t foresee significant changes in lending conditions. I can reassure investors that credit hasn’t been issued in any loose or casual way.’ – Pärtel Tomberg, CEO and Founder of Bondora. Background During the last few months, the Estonian Financial…
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Senior Software Engineers, Assemble!

We're always looking for great software engineers. So if you're a senior engineer looking for an exciting new role or know any engineers that want to join a company where they can thrive, please read on. We're looking for senior developers to join our incredible dev team. Bondora is growing, and we're looking for the best…
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🔴 2023 Q&A Video with Bondora CEO

Welcome to the 2023 Q&A with Pärtel Tomberg, the CEO and Founder of Bondora. It's become a popular tradition over the last couple of years that we ask you to send your questions to us, so Pärtel can connect with you directly and answer your queries. This year, three other members from Bondora will also…
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He enjoys football, hiking and is a C#master! Meet Lasha – our 34th Bondora Superhero

He enjoys spending his free time doing sports and exploring the wilderness on hikes and on his bike and never lets tough times get him down. Keep reading to get to know our latest Superhero – Lasha Amashukeli! Bondora Superhero #34 — Lasha Amashukeli 👦Bondorian since January 2022 👨‍💻Role: Software Engineer 🌱Team: Product Engineering: Grow…
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Light the Bonfires; Midsummer Is Here 🔥

If you live in Estonia, then jaanipäev needs no introduction. Also known as Midsummer’s Day, on 24 June, the whole country celebrates with huge bonfires, grilling, and having a good time with friends and family. But as 23 June is Victory Day, the celebrations start early and continue well into the (white) night. Midsummer occurs…
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🎉Go & Grow Is Now Open!

You requested, we listened. The original Go & Grow with returns of up to 6.75%* p.a. is now open to all investors. If you already invest with Bondora, log in to your dashboard, create a free Go & Grow account, and add up to €700 per month to start earning more. Don't have an account…
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Meet Our Tea-loving Cloud Engineer☁️💻Introducing Bhrikuty: Bondora Superhero #33

She wishes to have the incredible ability to become invisible, loves streamlining processes, and is an avid gamer. And wait until you see the pictures of her fluffy friend, Coco! It is our honor to present our latest Superhero – Bhrikuty Aggarwal. Bondora Superhero #33 — Bhrikuty Aggarwal 👧Bondorian since April 2022 👨‍💻Role: Platform Team…
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  • Una oferta de préstamo personalizada en línea en 60 segundos
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