We’ve hit €1 billion!

Bondora has hit a major milestone today – we have processed €1, 000, 000, 000 worth of loan applications. Out of those applications we have approved €150M of loans to our marketplace and our investors have funded €52M. Having generated €1 billion in demand is a fantastic accomplishment that clearly shows Bondora as a global and innovative marketplace lending platform. We want to say Thank You for all your support from the Bondora team!

1 Bil. processed loan applications

We asked our CEO Pärtel Tomberg what does reaching this milestone mean for Bondora.

“Reaching a billion of processed loan applications shows that there is a huge demand in the personal loan market that banks in Europe are not able to service. Bondora continues to invest in technology and regulatory setup to be soon able to in a few years to fund our billionth loan as well.”

¿Cansado de los grandes bancos y de sus maneras robóticas?
Obtén el préstamo que mereces de Bondora.

  • Una oferta de préstamo personalizada en línea en 60 segundos
  • Opciones de pago flexibles
  • No hay tarifas ocultas
Empieza ahora
Este es un servicio financiero. Por favor revisa nuestros términos y condiciones en la página web bondora.es, y consulta con un asesor financiero si fuera necesario.