What are investors saying about Bondora? – Bondora (Video)

Click here for the German or Estonian video.

Investors from all around the world have been sharing their thoughts and experience with us, and we are really glad to see so many people happy with their choice.

Some of them have gone the extra mile and happily given more insight into their daily investing routines and shared their investing tips. We recently released the 4th episode of our Bondora Heroes series where one of our investors shared his experience on financial freedom. If you haven’t seen the series yet, check out our social media pages and visit our blog for the stories.

Bondora Superheroes

You can also become a hero! 😊. Simply write to our support to let us know that you’ll like to share your story and our team will assist you further on this.

For more, connect with us on Fecebook @bondoracapital and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Thanks for watching, stay healthy and until next time!

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk and the investments are not guaranteed. The yield is up to 6.75%. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary. The views and opinions expressed in this video are those of the investors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of Bondora.

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Este es un servicio financiero. Por favor revisa nuestros términos y condiciones en la página web bondora.es, y consulta con un asesor financiero si fuera necesario.