When you should start saving for retirement – Bondora (Video)

Click here for the German video.

Hey there! Planning for retirement is a financial goal we should all have, regardless of if you’re retiring in 5 years or 30. We each have different plans for our future after we stop working, whether it’s lounging on a beach or helping to raise grandchildren. But whatever your plan is, it’s important to start saving now to make your retirement dream a reality.

So, when should you start saving for retirement?

If you haven’t already started putting money aside, the simple answer is to start as soon as possible.  The sooner you start saving, the more time your money has to grow.

If you have less time to prepare for retirement, you’ll need to save more each year. It’s never too late to start planning. But it might be easier to start saving earlier with smaller amounts.

We hope this helps put you on the right track to reaching your retirement goals.

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Thanks, keep investing, and bye for now.

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