✨ New and Revamped Monthly Stats

Welcome to Bondora’s revamped monthly recap! This is your monthly dose of insights into our growth and performance. It’s all the numbers and statistics you want to see in a brief but informative read.

Grab your coffee, and let’s dive into Bondora Group’s January and February statistics.

Welcome to the new and revamped monthly stats recap

New investors

First, we want to welcome all the new investors who joined our community.

In January, 2,320 more investors started the year by prioritizing their financial goals for 2024 and decided to invest with us.

In February, 2,068 people joined Bondora to enjoy the benefits of simple investing.


Our investors started 2024 strong, investing a total of €18,802,472 in January.

In February, many of you joined Bondora’s 16th birthday celebration, and we received a total of €28,742,661 in investments.

January and February total investments
January and February total investments

The campaign runs until 20 March, so make sure you invest to maximize your potential earnings and stand a chance to win €16,000! Read more on this blog article.

Loan originations

In January, Bondora AS loan customers originated €15,757,555 worth of loans. And in February, they originated a total of €13,789,269 in loans.

January and February total loan originations
January and February total loan originations

See from which markets the most originations came in January and February:

Monthly distribution of loans across markets.

As we’ve seen with other trends last year, Finland remains the market with the most loan originations, taking up the vast majority every month.

Estonia follows in second place, and thereafter, the Netherlands, which is still a relatively new market to us.

Latvia is the most recent new loan market the Bondora Group launched, and we’re expecting this market share to remain the smallest for the coming months as we grow our brand and presence there.

See you next time

That’s it for today! Be on the lookout for the March stats & data article coming next month.

Enjoyed this new revamped monthly stats format? Have any feedback for us? Be sure to leave a comment below.

Until then, check us out on Instagram for even more updates, educational content, and sneak peeks into our daily life at Bondora.

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