Bondora app? Find out more here today – Peer-to-Peer lending

Last month, we told you about a new tool we were working on which allows you submit ideas and bug reports directly to the Bondora team. Not only will your submissions be reviewed by us, they’ll be visible for the whole Bondora investor community to see and engage with.

Bondora feature request

What kind of things can you submit? Whatever you like! No matter how ahead-of-the-times you think your suggestion is, we’d love to hear it. What’s more, other investors have the chance to review your idea and vote for it if they support it too. At the end of every month, we’ll pay special attention to those at the top of the leader board.

We’ll then assign a status to the request to let you know if it’s currently under review, being implemented or if it’s been rejected. And don’t forget, if you’re experiencing any technical issues, you’ll be able to use the tool to submit any reports of bugs.

After its release to a small number of investors recently, it’s already proved to be popular. Take a look below at some of the suggestions:

Feature request tool

The clear winner so far is of course an app for your Bondora or Go & Grow account. Would you make use of this too? Let us know in the comments.

In October, we plan to release the Feature Request Service to all investors once we’ve made improvements based on the initial feedback.  While we’d love to implement all of your ideas, we’re only going to choose the best and those which impact the largest number of investors, so choose wisely!

Secondary Market update

On Friday 14th September, we released an update to the Secondary Market which changed the existing view. We’ve done this to add an extra layer of protection for investors who have, on occasions, damaged their existing portfolio by making transactions on the Secondary Market – for example, by selling current loans with a large discount or buying defaulted loans at a significant premium. It’s a priority for us to protect investors from these situations.

Bondora in 24 languages

Our communications and localization team are working on translating our whole peer-to-peer lending platform into 24 European languages. Overall, this will help more people throughout Europe gain seamless access to a form of financial independence traditionally unavailable to normal retail investors.

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