Dive into the Originations for April

Bondora eclipsed €10 million in loan originations over the month of April! This record-breaking month also brought more origination statistics for borrowers, including more verified borrowers with higher incomes.

Country Breakdown Remains Consistent

While there were significantly more loan originations in April, loans came from the same countries with roughly the same distribution as months prior. In fact, there was less than a 1% deviation in loan originations from each nation where Bondora is active. Interest rates were also quite similar to last month, with the biggest change being in Spain, where interest rates dropped by about 4% to 54.92%.

Origination by country - April 2019

Breaking down originations even further, the data remains consistent with last month as well. In Spain, D rated loans were originated after many months of there being no loans in that category. Outside of this, there were no other notable changes over the month.

Origination by rating country amount - April 2019

Loan Amounts Are Up

Across the board, the average loan amount on Bondora increased. The increase in Estonia was marginal, up to €2,266 from €2,249 a month prior. In Spain, the average loan amount of €1,687 was a 4.2% increase from March. Finnish loans jumped by 2.2% to an average of €4,193.

Avg loan amount - April 2019

Loan durations remained solid across the board. Estonia’s average loan duration came in at 49-months for the third straight month, while durations in Spain remained constant at 44-months, and in Finland averages were up slightly to 56-months.

Avg loan duration - April 2019

Some Borrowers Are Older, but Earn More Income

Across Finland and Spain, the average age of borrowers are higher than in Estonia, and even increased compared to the previous month. Yet, these borrowers are also, on average, earning more to support the repayment their loans.

The average income of Finnish borrowers reached higher by 7.4% to €3,067. Meanwhile, even though borrowers in Spain had lower average incomes than the previous month, down to €1,820, incomes were still higher than in Estonia, where the average income came in at €1,274.

Avg age - April 2019
Avg net income - April 2019

These figures also make sense when looking at education. Because the average age of Estonian borrowers is lower than in Finland and Spain, these borrowers are also less likely to have attained a higher level of education, with most Estonian borrowers having only a high school education. On the flipside, the majority of borrowers in Finland have attained a vocational school or university degree.

Education type - April 2019


An increasing number of Bondora borrowers have been employed for extended periods of time. In total, 65.8% of all borrowers have been employed up to 5-years or more than 5-years.

Employment duration - April 2019

Home Ownership Status

Trends in the home ownership status of Bondora borrowers remains constant. Borrowers in Estonia are more likely to be homeowners (43.6% of the country’s total) than any other category, while borrowers in Finland are more likely to be tenants (46.2% of the country’s total).

Home ownership - April 2019

Verification Status

An increasing number of borrowers in Estonia were verified this month. In March, about 30% of Estonian borrowers were verified, and in April that number rose to more than 43%. The same goes for Finnish borrowers, where 68% of borrowers were verified a month ago compared to more than 71% this month. Verified borrowers in Spain rose slightly to about 89% of total borrowers in the country.

Verification status - April 2019

Originations are Looking Better and Better

Bondora loan originations hit another record-high in April, all while lending to more qualified borrowers than ever before. More borrowers than last month were verified, and overall earned more monthly income with longer periods of employment.

As Bondora continues increasing loan originations to qualified borrowers, there has never been a better time to invest in Bondora loans. Whether you are a first-time peer-to-peer lending investor or an expert, Bondora has investment options for you.

Learn more about Bondora investment products here.

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