Investors flocked to Bondora in November. This growth is especially true for Go & Grow, which hit €6,066,450 in the month. This is a mammoth increase of 434.5% compared to October.

Both Portfolio Manager (€335,679) and Portfolio Pro (€127,866) decreased compared to last month, but this didn’t stop the total investment on Bondora to skyrocket from €3,114,157 to €6,531,141.
Go & Grow takes over
November saw Go & Grow become the preferred choice for investors

In October, Go & Grow accounted for 36% of all Bondora investments, a 10% increase from the previous month. In November, however, Go & Grow garnered 93% of the total investment on the platform. But with this massive takeover, it’s natural that Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro lost territory.
Portfolio Manager dropped from the October majority share of 40% down to 5%. Portfolio Pro accounted for just 2% total share. API investment was almost non-existent on the month, with a 0.01% share of all Bondora investments.

Transfer to Wallet
The Bondora Wallet is a great way to get a sense of how much money you have in your Bondora account, ready for withdrawal or Investment. Wallet serves as an intermediary between your Bondora investments and your bank. You can quickly transfer money from your Go & Grow account to Wallet by clicking the burger icon on your Go & Grow dashboard and selecting Transfer to Wallet. Here, you can select how much money you’d like to withdraw. Remember, you will pay a small €1 withdrawal fee to transfer your funds.
Once your withdrawal is transferred to Wallet, you can withdraw it to your registered bank account, invest it in another Bondora product, or keep it in Wallet until you decide what to do with it. Please note: You won’t earn any returns on money in Wallet.
More originations = more Go & Grow
After assessing the data month-over-month, we at Bondora decided to increase our originations substantially in November. This led to a significant increase in the Go & Grow investment share on the platform, which totaled 93% of all investments. We’ll monitor the global economy as it recovers from the coronavirus and work to make the best decisions for our originations in the coming months.
Learn more about the different Bondora investment options here.