đŸ”„Happy Midsummer!

23 and 24 June are two very special days in the Bondora calendar. Midsummers’s Day (jaanipĂ€ev) on June 24 and jaanilaupĂ€ev before it are the most important holidays on the Estonian calendar.

It’s just after the Summer Solstice, the longest day of the year. In Estonia, it also coincides with the famous white nights – the nights have a constant light glow, and there are almost 19 hours of daylight on JaanipĂ€ev!

To celebrate, we go to summer cottages, visit with family and friends, light bonfires, wear flower crowns, and sing and dance the ‘night’ away until the dawn of June 24.

It’s the perfect chance to enjoy life, go to the countryside, make new memories with friends, grill outside, and enjoy the warmth of summer.

Head jaanipÀeva from all the superheroes at Bondora!

Oletko vÀsynyt suuriin pankkeihin ja heidÀn robottimaisiin tapoihin?
Hanki Bondoralta laina jonka ansaitset.

  • Henkilökohtainen lainatarjous verkossa 60 sekunnissa
  • Joustavat takaisinmaksuvaihtoehdot
  • Ei piilokuluja
Aloita nyt
TÀmÀ on rahoituspalvelu. PyydÀmme, ettÀ tutustut kÀyttöehtoihimme osoitteessa bondora.fi, ja olet tarvittaessa yhteydessÀ asiantuntijaan.