Top questions from investors in April 2020

Hi there, I’m Kairi and I joined Bondora more than six years ago in 2013 when there were fewer than ten people in the company. Today, Bondora has over 119,000 investors from 85 countries all around the world who’ve invested more than €369M. The numbers are growing daily.

Starting as an assistant, I’ve worked across several departments within Bondora, and I’m now leading our Investor Associates’ team. We strive to give first-class customer service to all of our investors.

1. Bondora Heroes?

Over time, investors from all around the world have been sharing their thoughts and experience with us. We have received lots of valuable feedback on how to improve, and a pat on the back from investors for reaching the milestones while building the product and growing the business. We are really glad to see so many people happy with their choice! Some of them have gone the extra mile and happily given more insight into their daily investing routines in and out of Bondora and shared their investing tips with us.

As always, one thing leads to another, and at some time last year, someone from our team came to an idea to create video series out of it (we do know who, but he is a bit shy to take the credit, saying it’s the team effort! 😊).

This was a little sneak peek into the backstory of how Bondora Heroes started. It has been more and more popular since then, and just recently we released the 4th episode of our Bondora Heroes series.

If you haven’t seen the series yet, check out our social media pages and visit our blog for the stories. These are really cool!

If you feel now that you’d be interested to participate and become the hero in the video yourself, it is not too late! We’d really like this to become a tradition and aim to air the stories continuously. We encourage you to participate.

For more information, feel free to reach out to our support team who is happy to assist and lead a further discussion on this.

PS! If your only fear is being in front of the camera, fear not. Our team of professionals and the filming crew is really supportive. You’ll get guided through the whole process and will receive a fun and valuable experience to think back to. Just go with the flow and let your dreams grow (at least this is what other Heroes have said).

Speak up, the world is waiting!

Go and Grow logo

2. I recently changed my bank and wanted to top up my Bondora account by sending money from my new account, however, I couldn’t find it from your bank list. Does it mean my new bank is not supported and I cannot send money from it?

The bank list you see on the ‘Add money’ page is meant to make the payment process more convenient and the links help you to direct to the respective bank home page. If your bank is not present in this list, it doesn’t necessarily mean it is not supported by us. We have only added the most widely used banks in the list based on our knowledge, to keep it short and neat.

We can accept payments from all the European Union banks. Please simply log on to your online banking as usually, and initiate the payment using the payment details listed in the payment details.

NB! Please always add your dedicated Reference number to the payment description. We can then easily identify your payment and avoid delays.

Bank list - Bondora

3. I have a problem with inserting my full home address for the KYC form. How to sort it?

Sometimes the system may not recognize the address as it is entered. Please enter your address as it would appear in Google maps. Note, that it may not accept special characters.

If the address does not populate, you can add an address to Google maps or enter the nearest address that will populate and let us know by writing to our support which details are missing, so we can check and help to sort it out.

Last but not least…

In the last ‘Top questions’ blog post, we talked through some of the commonly asked questions about the new campaign Invest and Drive. In the meantime, we have collected some more questions on it, so here’s part II.

Invest and Drive - Bondora

Frequently asked questions about the campaign

  • Does it matter how much I invest? Is there a minimum investment amount to enter the prize draw?

Everyone investing within the campaign period has equal chances to win. So, whether it is €100 or €10,000 you will enter the prize draw.

  • You said that the campaign applies to all investing products. What about investing in the Secondary Market or via the Bondora API?

Regardless of the method used for investing, you will enter the prize draw.

In case you have any further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us—our team is happy to assist you in any way. You can email us at during business hours, Mo-Fr: 9–17 EET.

*To participate in the prize draw, you must add money to your Bondora account and invest between 16/03/2020 – 31/05/2020. The winner of the €5,000 prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/04/2020. The winner of the €10,000 prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/05/2020. The winner of the BMW prize will be drawn at random and notified via email on 01/06/2020. The cash prize amounts will be added to the winner’s Bondora account within 7 working days. The BMW prize will be delivered to the winner within the European Economic Area before 01/01/2021. The user agrees not to sell the car and not to remove the Bondora branding elements within the 12 month period after receipt. All prize winners agree to participate in subsequent Bondora marketing campaigns which may include, but are not limited to, written and visual content. The images shown are for illustrative purposes only and may differ to the actual car. Capital at risk. Terms & conditions apply.

*As with any investment, your capital is at risk. Investments made through Bondora are not guaranteed; therefore any assets allocated to the Go & Grow account are not guaranteed by any state fund or otherwise secured and it may not be possible to liquidate assets or withdraw money immediately. The yield is up to 6.75% p.a., but please note that the yield achieved in past periods does not guarantee the rate of return in future periods. Before deciding to invest, please review our risk statement or consult with a financial advisor if necessary.

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