Weekly industry news roundup – December 26, 2016

Around the world

National Real Estate Investor published an article about the growing trend of investors engaging in marketplace lending. This trend comes at a time when investors are seeking to boost their returns. The author explains that the “search for higher yield has led to great growth in the marketplace lending arena. In fact, according to a recent report by American Banker, the industry grew by nearly 700 percent over the past four years.

Crowdfund Insider discussed the changes to expect in 2017 for the P2P industry. Credibility and transparency will be major initiative areas in the coming months. The regulatory landscape will continue to develop as more robust standards boost the industry. Looking ahead to 2017 the changing U.S. tax code may encourage more investment in the P2P space.

Business Insider attempted to look ahead to 2017 and P2P changes on the horizon. Competition will likely continue to grow as more of the population becomes comfortable with the model and more aggressive returns. FCA regulations will certainly have an impact on the future of the model as more players adjust to comply.

Moody’s discussed the potential growth of mobile phone and wireless tower ABS transactions as marketplace lending becomes more popular. Additionally, the credit quality of marketplace lending loans will remain largely stable throughout 2017 according to the agency.

Forbes India published an article on the company DV01 which “offers analytics and reporting software for the burgeoning peer-to-peer market, giving investors the ability to track the performance of thousands of loans in a few clicks.” The founder hopes the tool will further empower P2P customers by providing great risk analytics and a more complete understanding of the functionality of a marketplace lender.

Bondora mentions

Crowdfund Insider gave a brief breakdown of the Q1 and Q3 2016 performance in the P2P arena while mentioning Bondora.

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