Category: Financial Well-being

Financial well-being is the ability to meet your current and ongoing financial obligations, feel confident in your financial future, and have the freedom to make choices that contribute to your overall happiness.

How P2P lending platforms are transforming the consumer lending industry by PwC

Is P2P lending a threat or an opportunity? The PwC report examines how peer-to-peer lending platforms are transforming the consumer lending industry and how traditional banks fit in this picture. We made a short summary of the report. A paradigm shift Peer-to-peer (P2P) or marketplace lending is shaped by technological breakthroughs and demographical shifts. As…
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Investeerimisraadio podcast features the CEO of Bondora

Kristi Saare and Tauri Alas from Investeerimisraadio invited our CEO Pärtel Tomberg to speak on their podcast. Investeerimisraadio is the top Estonian investing podcast to cover this subject inside and out. It turned out that Pärtel was a long-awaited guest at the show that resulted in two separate podcasts. He kindly shared his thoughts on…
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EY FinTech adoption index: Financial technology makes life easier

In September 2015 EY did an interesting survey about Financial technology adoption. UK was the only European country surveyed but we believe that majority of the results are universal to Europe and many other parts of the world. EY surveyed more than 10,000 digitally active people in Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, the United Kingdom…
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2016 P2P lending industry trends by Bondora

The peer-to-peer lending market is looking for another massive growth from 2016, but before holiday season kicks in, we here at Bondora have decided to dig deeper to see what will be the underlying trends shaping the surging industry in the new year. Institutional money We have started to see first signs of institutional investments coming…
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European alternative finance platforms comparison

Alternative finance investors have seen the number of European platforms grow exponentially in the past few years. From what began as a small niche disrupting the traditional banking sector, there is now an argument that alternative finance should be considered a new asset class in itself. Understanding the differences between alternative finance platforms in such…
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LendIt Europe 2015 video: opportunities in continental Europe

Our CEO and founder Pärtel Tomberg was among the panelists at last week´s largest online lending event in Europe – LendIt Europe 2015. The panel was called „Opportunities in Continental Europe” and the video is now publicly available. Here is our summary of the key thoughts from the discussion: Institutional money is starting to flow into…
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LendIt Europe 2015 takeaways

More than 750 attendees were visiting the largest online lending event in Europe - LendIt Europe 2015 - this week in London. The conference was split between platforms and investors and was represented with 45 countries, making it very diverse. We have summed up some of the takeaways for you. Institutional investors are increasingly more…
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Who are the customers of alternative finance?

Traditional financial institutions do not serve the customer well when it comes to borrowing. In consumer borrowing, mainstream financial service providers tend to lack flexibility - not only in their opening hours, but in taking a very vertical view of a potential customer. This produces by necessity a black and white view - ‘good customers’…
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Recommended reading

Private investors Lars Wrobbel and Kolja Barghoorn have published a new book “Investieren in P2P-privatkredite” (Investing in P2P-lending). The book is mostly targeted for investors offering an overview of the opportunities that peer-to-peer lending offers. It encourages readers to get started by offering insights into P2P future analysis and strategies for a good profit. In…
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Big banks eye alternative finance

It is over twenty years since Bill Gates famously said, “Banking is essential, banks are not”, and now it has started to happen -- traditional banking in the US could very soon lose $11 billion to alternative finance every year according to Goldman Sachs. Many old banks want a piece of the alternative finance growth…
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