🎉Go & Grow Is Now Open!

You requested, we listened. The original Go & Grow with returns of up to 6.75%* p.a. is now open to all investors. If you already invest with Bondora, log in to your dashboard, create a free Go & Grow account, and add up to €700 per month to start earning more.

Don’t have an account yet? Sign up for free at bondora.com to start earning returns every day!

Go & Grow is now open 🎉
Go & Grow is now open 🎉

Here are just some more recent updates designed to improve your investor experience:

Hey! How can I help you?

Our new chat feature is now live for testing on bondora.com!

Log in to your account and click on the chat bubble💬 to start a conversation. Once we’ve passed the testing phase, you can look forward to getting real-time answers to your questions.

Statements in Excel and PDF

This was a highly requested feature! You can now download your investment statements in PDF or Excel format. PDF is great if you want an easy-to-read overview. But if you want to add the numbers to your own calculations or documents, then the Excel statement makes it super easy.

This update is live on the app and on the web.

Go & Grow Payment Limit increased to €700

We know many of our long-term Go & Grow 6.75% customers have also anticipated this news.

On 10 May, the Go & Grow monthly payment limit was raised from €400 to €700.

We hope this increase will help you reach your financial goals easily and safely.

This limit only applies to investors who have Go & Grow. If you use Go & Grow Unlimited, you can invest any amount – no limits!

Invest in Go & Grow now

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