How to start investing with less than €100

Contrary to popular belief, you don’t have to be a multi-millionaire to start investing, not even close. Unfortunately, that means that you no longer have any excuse to delay starting your investment journey and building up a portfolio of wealth for the future. If you are really committed to changing your life and taking that step towards financial freedom, an investment of €100 or less can be a great way to start a good habit. Over time, you will see the power of compound interest and monthly investments will become second nature.

Let’s take a look at HOW you can actually get started with Bondora, today.

1) Portfolio Manager


  • Experience required: None
  • Time required and ongoing management: None
  • Management fee: €0

If you have absolutely no experience in investing, or you cringe whenever your friends mention the word finance then an automated option may be the best for you.

What is Portfolio Manager?


Quite literally, you make a couple of clicks and then you leave it to do the work for you. The Portfolio Manager is Bondora’s very own unique tool that allows you to pick a strategy ranging from low to high risk, then it divides your investments between different loans, countries and credit ratings in line with your chosen strategy.

If that all sounds too complicated, we give you an expected return range for each strategy so you know what you can expect from the outset. After that, you can set a ‘Spare cash balance’ on your account so any interest and principal payments you receive each month will either be kept on your account for you, or if you prefer you can set it to 0 and reinvest your profits in order to achieve the maximum profit. If you love statistics, you can delve in to these in great detail on your account or just monitor your performance from the summary figures on your dashboard.

Out of over 30,000 investors, this is our most popular option with approximately 2 out of every 3 using it.

2) Portfolio Pro

  • Experience required: Beginner/Intermediate
  • Time required and ongoing management: Slightly more than Portfolio Manager
  • Management fee: €0

Portfolio Pro is similar to the Portfolio Manager, with the exception that you have more control over where your funds are invested. For example, you may decide that you only want to invest in AA – C rated loans in Estonia, with a duration of less than 40 months. In comparison, the Portfolio Manager will automatically spread your investment across all risk ratings, loan durations and countries (dependent on the strategy you choose).


If you are completely new to investing and P2P, we would class this as an intermediate method of investing although it is very easy to use. As a side note, using Portfolio Pro does not mean that you will achieve higher returns than if you used the Portfolio Manager.

Once you customize your settings, Portfolio Pro will give you an indication of the distribution of your investments, your expected return range and how much volume potential there is with this criteria each month. If the number of matching loans per month is showing as 0, try widening your criteria.


Approximately 1/3 of our investors use Portfolio Pro.

3) API

  • Experience required: Advanced
  • Time required and ongoing management: High
  • Management fee: €0

The Bondora API is for the active, hands-on investors who want to take more control than is possible with the Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro. The API is an interface for accessing the functionality of the Bondora platform without the user interface. API investors benefit by having access to data and services that caters to their individual investment strategies and allows you to bid on specific loans that meet your unique criteria.

Unless you have the technical skills, experience or time required to manage this, it’s likely that the API is not for you. That being said, a great return on your investments is certainly not exclusive to the API users.

Only 1% of our investor base use the API.

Get started with Bondora today

P.S. If you’re new to Peer to Peer lending, click here.

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