The 5 Best Finance Jobs for the Digital Age

The world of finance has gotten a facelift over the past decade. Out are slow, cumbersome processes of handling transactions, and in are an array of technological solutions to make life easier on everyone who partakes in the global financial system. As a result, the role of financial professionals has changed drastically.

These jobs will continue to grow along with financial technology.
These jobs will continue to grow along with financial technology.

It’s more important today than ever that financial professionals are tech-savvy and can fully integrate with the digital age. As a result, the job descriptions for some of the best jobs in finance are changing.

Financial jobs geared toward fintech will only grow, making them great career fields to get involved in. Here are 5 fintech jobs you should consider if you want a career in finance.

Software/App Engineer

Get your coding on as a software or app engineer.
Get your coding on as a software or app engineer.

Much of the financial sector has moved from in-person services to software and apps. Today, everything from stock trading to taking out a loan can be done easily on a mobile device or personal computer. This is all thanks to software and app engineers.

As engineers, they require significant coding knowledge to design, test, and implement software and mobile apps. These can also range across the sector, including banking, lending, e-commerce, payment technology, wealth management, and more.


  • Computer programming and coding
  • Software development
  • Software testing and debugging

Blockchain developer

Decentralized blockchain networks promise to be the cornerstones of new financial paradigms. By taking power away from centralized entities, blockchains deliver faster and cheaper financial services through a network of participants.

But in order to get to this new paradigm, the industry will need a boatload of blockchain developers to create and implement this new software. The demand for blockchain developers is growing exponentially. And it’s not only small startups that are in search of talent. Big companies like JPMorgan Chase, Microsoft, and Oracle are all looking for developers to assist with new blockchain technology.

And when it comes to salaries, blockchain developers are rewarded handsomely for their work. At last check, the average salary for a blockchain developer in the UK is more than £68,000, while blockchain developers in Germany can expect to make upwards of €120,000.


  • Build distributed systems
  • Use computer programming and coding
  • Analyze blockchain framework and architecture

Data scientist

Data scientists take large amounts of data and turn them into useful information.
Data scientists take large amounts of data and turn them into useful information.

In today’s world, data is the most valuable commodity there is. As a result, some of the most important people on the planet are those who can take raw data, analyze it, and understand the implications that data has on the bigger picture for a company and its future. A data scientist uses mathematical and scientific methods to extract information from large sets of data. This includes working with machine learning and artificial intelligence to analyze data efficiently.

As it pertains to finance, this data can have implications on fraud detection, creditworthiness, portfolio optimization, and more. Data scientists have even helped develop algorithmic trading programs and other automated functions to limit human input in the financial sector.


  • Interpret and customize database technologies
  • Use probability and statistics
  • Create data visualizations
  • Use machine learning to increase efficiency and capabilities

Compliance Director

Financial institutions are constantly adapting to new regulations. Governments around the globe do their best to keep financial firms in line and reduce unethical and fraudulent behavior in the industry. This is even more true when it comes to fintech solutions, which are often new and untested.

Most major fintech companies have a compliance director or even an entire compliance department to ensure that they meet the standards of local financial regulators. It’s the role of a compliance director to ensure the company meets all the legal and ethical standards required.

As Deloitte put it: “Evolving fintech risk management functions are tasked with addressing the potential exposures created by their innovation, partnerships, and ongoing financial and regulatory market developments.”


  • Build risk assessment tools
  • Understand regulatory compliance
  • Audit business processes and procedures

Cybersecurity analyst

Protect your company from bad actors as a cybersecurity analyst.
Protect your company from bad actors as a cybersecurity analyst.

As tech solutions become ubiquitous in the financial sector, so too will the need to protect companies from malicious actors. Cybersecurity is one of the fastest-growing sectors in the global economy, and its impact on the world of finance is no different. You could argue that cybersecurity is even more critical here than in other industries because financial firms deal with sensitive personal information and financial records.

A cybersecurity analyst can do many things to mitigate the risks of bad outcomes. This ranges from building secure system architecture to monitoring networks for potential hacks. According to PwC, a cybersecurity analyst can do many things to mitigate the risks of bad outcomes:

“Constructing a tech firewall is just the first line of defense. The second is weaving strong cybersecurity controls into the entire risk management structure. So, prioritize data based on sensitivity, quickly identify, and eliminate any vulnerabilities. Start by assuming that your users are already compromised. This will force you to build systems with privacy and protection in mind from the start. Treat cyber protection like the business risk issue it is.”


  • Run diagnostic tests on system and database architecture
  • Analyze security logs
  • Build security tools and software

Jobs for the fintech revolution

Today’s financial markets depend on technology as much as they depend on individual expertise. Those who have a technical background are more likely to succeed and move up the corporate ladder, given the advances in the financial sector.

These jobs aren’t just solid financial jobs today; they are also set for strong future demand. This means, focusing on a job that combines finance and technology will better ensure you have the skills that employers want, no matter what is going on in the world.

Want to work at Bondora, one of Europe’s leading fintech companies? Check out our careers page for vacancies.

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