August 2023: Over €15M for Investment Funding and Originations

The growth that kickstarted in July has continued into August, with increases across the board. Loan originations, as well as investment product funding, totaled over €15M each in August. Cash recoveries and collection efforts also increased to over €1M. Here are more stats from August:

August 2023: Over €15M Each for Originations and Investment Funding

1,404 new investors joined Bondora in August. In the same month, investors earned over €2M in returns, and the total product investment amount increased to €854M!

Loan Originations

For the second month in a row, loan originations increased. It climbed by 11.3% from July to €15,785,232 in August.

Finland was the predominant growth accelerator. The Nordic market increased by 34.7% after being very slow-moving in the summer months. This totaled €9,337,401 in loan originations in Finland.

The ever-growing Dutch market also contributed to the rise in loan originations. Passing the €4M mark for the first time in history, a total of € 4,067,370 worth of loans were originated in the Netherlands in the past month.

Estonia declined once again this month by 33.7%. This brought the total loan originations to €2,248,956.

The Spanish market remains temporarily closed to new customer originations as we monitor data to change our internal risk-scoring models. We do this to ensure the best possible quality for our loan portfolio, which, in turn, means a better investment experience for you. However, Existing customers were the driving force behind the €131,605 loan originations in August.

Finnish loans, once again, have the majority, with a dominant 59.2% share. The Dutch market retains its second-largest share with 25.8%. Estonia follows with 14.3% and Spain with 0.8%.

The average loan interest rate decreased from 19.8% to 19.1%.

Loan risk ratings and split per country

Below, you can view the different loan risk ratings and their percentage split across countries of the general loan portfolio. You can easily compare the changes between July and August:

Origination shares by rating/country – August 2023
Origination shares by rating/country – August 2023
Origination shares by rating/country – July 2023

For more in-depth statistics, you’re welcome to view them on our general statistics page for daily updated figures.

Investment product funding

In tandem with originations, we saw investment product funding also increase. It rose by a solid 12% compared to the overall growth rate of 5.6% in July. This brought the total August product investment to €15,758,232.

€15,722,223 was funded to Go & Grow and €63,009 was invested using the API. That’s a 51.8% increase for API investments. Below, you can see the investment funding split for August.

Investment shares across Bondora products in August 2023.
Investment shares across Bondora products in August 2023.

Secondary Market

Continuing the see-saw trend, Secondary Market transactions increased in August after decreasing in July. Transactions totaled €107,098 compared to July’s €91,737. This is a 16.7% growth rate.

The API grew by 0.8%, and Manual transactions increased by 25.2%. At a 70.1% share, manual transactions still have the largest share. The API has a 29.9% share.

Secondary Market total transactions – August 2023
Secondary Market total transactions – August 2023

Collection and Recovery

August was another month of increases for our collection and recovery efforts. 95,123 payments were recovered, increasing by 0.6% from July. Cash recoveries rose by 11.9%, a total of €1,110,299 recovered funds.

Once again, Estonia is the market with the highest cash and loan payment recoveries from Estonia, with €606,614 cash and 41,446 payments being recovered. In Finland, cash recoveries increased by 14.4% to €456,918. Contrary to July, Spain’s cash recovery figure also inclined, growing 1.5% to €45,077. There have been no recovery efforts in the Netherlands thus far.

The 2014-2023 recovery rate once again slightly decreased, dropping from 52.4% in July to 52.1% in August. In contrast, 2023’s recovery rate increased from 82.3% in July to 84.8% in August.

Yearly recovery rates – August 2023
Yearly recovery rates – August 2023

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