Bondora among Europe’s top P2P lending platforms


Last week Fintech Switzerland published an article on the top peer-to-peer lending platforms in Europe. That made us reminisce what a difference a decade has made. Back then, marketplace lending was thought of as an alternative asset class and was viewed by early adopters as a compelling investment opportunity. Today, the industry has evolved into an asset class that has earned its strong place as part of the fixed-income portfolio.

Bondora is proud to be the first pan-European lender launched in 2009 and allowing investors all across Europe to diversify their investments across a number of geographies. Although the vast majority of marketplace lending activity today is concentrated in the UK, platforms in different parts of Europe are pushing this industry forward as well. All of us have helped millions of people to access credit quickly and easily and provided investors with rewarding returns along the way.

We at Bondora continue to provide our investors with transparent and publicly accessible data, healthy return on investment and simplicity of investment management.

It is an honor for us to be on the list among all these great platforms. Thanks and let’s keep on rolling!

Click HERE to see which platforms made it to the top.

Belefáradt a nagy bankokba és azok robotizált módszereibe?
Szerezze meg a Bondorától a megérdemelt kölcsönt.

  • Személyre szabott hitelajánlat online 60 másodperc alatt
  • Rugalmas törlesztési lehetőségek
  • Nincsenek rejtett díjak
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