Bondora’s 2020 highlights in 60 seconds – Bondora (Video)

This year has been quite a wild ride. But despite that, we had incredible moments, awesome milestones, and memorable events we want to share with you. And we’ll do it in 60 seconds. Are you ready? 

Aaaand go!

We celebrated our 3rd year of profitability where our revenue increased by 96% and our net profit increased to €2.3M!

We renovated our office and made a kick-ass video tour of it.

We launched Wallet, updated how to add money, as well as tons of other useful features.

Our Invest & drive competition was a huge success and Simon K was the lucky winner who received a one-of-a-kind Bondora BMW.

We all learned how to work from home successfully.

Our CEO Pärtel Tomberg did live Q&As on YouTube and Facebook.

We broke records in our collection and recovery processes.

19 new Bondorians joined our team of superstars.

We launched our new support site. 

There were super fun team events.

We started our Bondora Superstar series to celebrate our employees – go check it out on the blog!

And time’s up!

Wow! What a year. These are just some of the highlights we wanted to celebrate after a very challenging yet rewarding year. Thank you for being a part of it. We can’t wait to continue to break records, give you an incredible experience, and build the best online investment platform in Europe. 2021, here we come!

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  • Személyre szabott hitelajánlat online 60 másodperc alatt
  • Rugalmas törlesztési lehetőségek
  • Nincsenek rejtett díjak
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