Easy ways to make a deposit to Bondora

Over the years we’ve listened to input from users. These suggestions have helped us improve and redesign our site. We’ve made Bondora faster and more intuitive than ever. As a result more users are discovering the practicality of marketplace lending. Getting started with an account takes just minutes because we’ve optimised one key area: making deposits. Here are three fast and easy ways to funds your account:

Visa and Mastercard Payments

Invest with Bondora safely with our Visa and Mastercard payment option. Use either your credit card or a debit card to get started. We’ve added a layer of security with Wirecard Bank. This third party manages the transfer and no account information is submitted to or held at Bondora. Wirecard Bank meets all security regulations including PCI compliance.Adding funds to account with these simple steps:

  • enter the payment amount
  • enter your credit card details
  • log in to your bank in case of 3D Secure
  • confirm the transaction

Upon your confirmation the funds will appear in your Bondora account immediately.

SOFORT Online Payment

SOFORT is another great option to make a deposit fast and secure. Payment with SOFORT is available for investors from Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Belgium and Spain. Just as with VISA and Mastercard, the steps for making the deposit are similar:

  • enter the payment amount
  • choose your bank
  • log in
  • confirm the pre-filled payment order

After that, you should see the money immediately on your Bondora account and ready for investing. Learn in more detail about how to make a SOFORT payment on desktop or mobile.

SEPA Payment

The Single Euro Payments Area (SEPA) option is perfect for our European users. With this option you initiate a deposit via a bank transfer. Costs are generally the same as for domestic payments for all Eurozone customers. All details required for making the payment can be found on your Dashboard and also in your daily account summary email. Transactions can take up to three business days to complete. Today, SEPA consists of 34 countries.


TransferWise is a more affordable way to make a deposit without the extra costs incurred with a traditional international bank transfer. Banks often command a premium over the normal currency exchange rate. With TransferWise, however, you’re paying the lowest possible fee without any hidden charges. This method is a great option for users around the world.

Belefáradt a nagy bankokba és azok robotizált módszereibe?
Szerezze meg a Bondorától a megérdemelt kölcsönt.

  • Személyre szabott hitelajánlat online 60 másodperc alatt
  • Rugalmas törlesztési lehetőségek
  • Nincsenek rejtett díjak
Indítás most
Ez egy pénzügyi szolgáltatás. Kérjük, tekintse át feltételeinket a bondora.ee oldalon, és szükség esetén forduljon szakértőhöz.