Bondora Blog

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isePankur has rebranded as Bondora

We are glad to welcome you at Bondora, a new international trademark for isePankur. isePankur’s rapid development in the past 5 years left no room for the brand to accommodate our cross-border expansion. Like isePankur, Bondora continues to be a platform where you can invest into loans, previously accessible to banks and large financial institutions…

Recovery rates for different debt-to-income levels

Some of the investors have enquired about the differences in recovery rates for different levels of debt-to-income. To explore this topic, we took a look at different timeframes (2011, 2012, 2013) and  discovered a tendency for no visible negative affect of the DTI level on recovery rates.* The chart below shows all recoveries and re-performing…

€10 million of loans issued and €1 million interest paid

We have reached 2 important milestones: we have paid out 1 million euro in interest to investors and issued 10 million euro in loans to borrowers. See the infographic below for more information.

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