Robert Kiyosaki, teaching and volleyball. Read Andrea’s story

As part of our popular investor stories series, we interviewed Andrea this month. Check out his super story below.

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Hello everybody, I am a former engineer who, after 20 years in the corporate field, has decided to leave my job and to devote myself to what I really like, teaching. Now I am a teacher in a secondary school in Milan and I hold private lessons in Mathematics and Physics.

I like sports (I am a volleyball referee since more than 30 years) and to stay with people; I am also a business owner cooperating with the greatest Network Marketing company in the world. Last, but not least, I am part of the Cashflow Club (do you know? Kiyosaki books…) in Milan and, with some friends from the club, we are starting a brand new association aiming at teaching the fundamentals of the financial culture to people, mainly the young.

“My intention was to create some passive income that could lead me, in a short period of time, to leave my job.”

I started investing in the Bondora platform two years ago thanks to the advices given to me by a friend from the Club, who had started the same business some months before, with good financial returns. My intention was to create some passive income that could lead me, in a short period of time, to leave my job. Well, after two years of investments, I can proudly say that the advices received were really effective and now I am really satisfied with the Social Lending investment with Bondora.

“I am earning up to 12.90% net interest and this is a really good result!”


The net return is really high, compared with other Fintech opportunities. What I mainly like in this opportunity is to feel useful to somebody else in the world (the borrowers). Initially I had really no idea about what I could reach by this kind of investment and the return has indeed surprised me: I am earning up to 12.90% net interest and this is a really good result!

In the Bondora Platform, after a long period while using the Portfolio Manager feature, since some few weeks, I have been using the Portfolio Pro, which I like more for the opportunity it gives me to handle my portfolio.

“I suggest to all of you to trust the platform, by starting with a small amount of money and then dropping in a monthly amount”

The cooperation with peers in the Cashflow Club has really given me an opportunity that I did not even know before. Now, by talking to all relatives and peers about this really great financial opportunity, though in Italy the average financial knowledge is not so high, I hope to involve many people to invest in Bondora.

I suggest to all of you to trust the platform, by starting with a small amount of money and then dropping in a monthly amount, in order to get back an interesting income, thanks to the most powerful existing financial tool, the compound interest, defined by Einstein as one of the greatest inventions in the world.

To all of you I wish a great financial experience and a nice future along with Bondora.

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