VIDEO: Weekly summary – December 21, 2016


Loan funding per channel for November

Yesterday we shared our monthly update of inflows from the Portfolio Manager and the API interface. In November the Portfolio Manager represented 92.7% of investment inflows. The API interface ended at 7.3% of inflows.

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Weekly industry news roundup – December 19, 2016

There has been a lot of activity in the world of marketplace investing over the past week. We looked at an article from CrowdFund Insider exploring the new regulatory environment for P2P businesses engaging in a banking charter. Former Chief Innovation Officer for The Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco identified underfunded SMEs as a major factor in the rise of marketplace lending. Business Insider reported on the UK’s decision to invest £85 million of taxpayer money into P2P lending. The Tech Portal reviewed actions from the Australian Securities and Investments Commission designed to promote the growth of P2P lending in the country. Finally, Tech Bullion shared analysts expectations that the P2P market could reach £5 billion in 2018. P2PGuide shared our post on managing risk with the Bondora Portfolio Manager.

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Register and login Bondora with your Google account

In this post we provided a brief overview of how new users can start their Bondora portfolio with an existing Google account. This option allows new members to begin investing faster with a streamlined process. Once a new account is created users can login with their Google account.

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Investment strategies of the Portfolio Manager

On Thursday of last week we discussed the different risk levels involved in the Portfolio Manager. Options range from “ultra-conservative” to “opportunistic.” Each level carries a different expected loss rates. Investors must monitor the individual holdings in their portfolio because even lower rated loans can appear in a conservative strategy in an effort to reach the goal return. Remember, descriptions like conservative are relative only to other styles within Bondora and cannot be compared to a conservative bond or stock strategy.

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  • Rugalmas törlesztési lehetőségek
  • Nincsenek rejtett díjak
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