Weekly industry news roundup – July 10, 2017

News from around the world

Altfi published a piece looking at various emerging trends in finance. The author discusses how many marketplace lenders are applying for banking licenses. This move enables more P2P businesses to offer more products like credit cards and overdrafts.


CreditEase, a fintech company based in China, released an article discussing some of the most groundbreaking companies working in the fintech space today. The author looks at crowdfunding, robo-advisors and of course marketplace lending and explains that the development of these businesses will grow in China over the next decade.


CrowdFund Insider discussed recent moves from The European Investment bank Group (EIB) and the European Investment Fund (EIF) to fund SMEs via crowdlending. The French Minister of the Economy and Finance remarked that, “We are committed to our entrepreneurs. This EU capital will strengthen the impact of the French Fintech start-ups.”


CXO Today had an interesting take on the emergence of P2P lending in India. The author explains that within the country the space has 20 players and continues to grow. However, for this growth to continue the industry will require additional financial backers.


CrowdFund Insider released data that The Netherlands raised nearly €100 million in crowdfunding during the first 6 months of 2017. This total is a welcome change from the stagnant performance of the industry in 2016 in the region.

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