What to do if you don’t receive the SMS PIN-code

Receiving the SMS PIN-code in a timely manner is critical to withdraw money and manage your account. It can be a frustrating experience when you don’t receive it, or it’s delayed. But don’t worry. There are a number of ways to troubleshoot the problem.

Here’s a guide for what to do if you don’t receive the SMS PIN-code.

Confirm that your phone number is correct

On the Settings page, you can view the phone number registered to your account. If your country code or phone number is incorrect, update it, then request the PIN-code again.

Check your cell phone reception

If you have a weak signal, the SMS PIN-code will be delayed. Move to a different area where the signal is stronger.

Restart your phone

Switch off your phone for at least 30 seconds, then try again. In most cases, it solves the issue as it updates the gateway.

Try a different device

If you have a second phone, insert your SIM card, then request the SMS PIN-code. This will confirm if there is a problem with your phone.

Contact support

If all else fails, you can contact us by completing the online form on our support site. You can find the link here. Include what you’ve tried in the email, so we know how to guide you next.

And that’s it! Remember to give us a thumbs-up if you liked this video, or leave us a comment if you found it helpful.

Thanks for watching, keep investing, and bye for now.

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