3 tips to help you make the most of your Bondora account

In the past few weeks, we’ve created a ‘quick tip’ video series where our Investor Relations Associates cover some common questions raised by our customers. In case you missed them, you can catch up with our top 3 tips here.

1 – Withdrawals

If you have any confusion regarding making withdrawals to your credit card and your regular bank account, look no further! To keep it simple, if you have made credit card deposits, you must first withdraw your total credit card deposit back to the credit card before your regular bank account withdrawal becomes available.

2 – Portfolio Pro duration filter

If it takes a while for you to invest the money you have deposited when using Portfolio Pro, this is most likely because your chosen criteria is not wide enough. A common reason is if you have set your loan duration criteria below 36 months. Bondora is not a short term loan provider, therefore most of the loans we issue have a duration of 36 months or over. Try increasing your duration filter to 36 months and above and you will have more loan offers to invest in, you can then check this from the ‘Total potential monthly investment volume’ under the portfolio summary section.

3 – Using Portfolio Manager and Pro at the same time

We’ve seen that some of our investors like to use Portfolio Manager and Portfolio Pro at the same time. While it is perfectly fine to do this, it’s likely that you will create conflict between the two different investment strategies. If you are not sure of what to do, just keep it simple and stick to one.

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