Join the Bondora 10k celebration and win!

We just hit 10,000 followers on Instagram! And we wanted to celebrate this milestone with you in the best way possible.
For four days only, we’re increasing our Go & Grow payment limit to €10,000!

From 26-29 November, you can now invest up to €10,000 net into your Go & Grow account.

And, to make the celebration extra sweet, one lucky weekend investor will win €10,000 for their Go & Grow account!

But don’t delay! Offer and competition ends on 29 November 2021. So make sure you invest before 30 November 2021.


The increased €10,000 Go & Grow payment limit is valid from 26 November 2021 00:00 EET until 29 November 2021 23:59 EET. To participate in the €10,000 prize draw, you must add money to your Go & Grow account between 26/11/2021 and 29/11/2021. The winner will be selected at random on 30/11/2021 and notified via email. The prize amount will be added to the winner’s Bondora Go & Grow account within seven business days. Capital at risk. Terms & conditions apply.

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