We are launching our new investor webinar series on March 23, 2017

We have been putting in a lot of effort for the past year to improve our investor communication and provide more information to our investors about a variety of topics. Transparency has always been one of Bondora’s key strengths, with all our loan data and transaction ledgers made public and extensive reporting features available for all our users.

We aim to continue this trend with the launch of our new webinar series, where we invite everyone to take part of the discussions about Bondora and P2P lending industry in general.

Our first webinar will take place on March 23, 2017, at 15:00 UTC+2

Our first webinar will be a unique opportunity to learn more about Bondora, where the main topics discussed are:

  • An overview of Bondora – What we do, our company structure and shareholders, where do we operate etc.
  • The rigorous underwriting, collection and other processes we have in place to protect our investors.
  • Exciting news about our future plans.

We will share more details on the webinar next week. If you have any questions you would like us to answer or discuss, please submit them to webinar@bondora.com before the webinar begins.

Our team is looking forward to connecting with you on March 23, 2017!

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