Bondora Supports Ukraine—A Letter from Our CEO

The news of the Russian invasion of Ukraine has sent shock waves around the world. Our thoughts go out to everyone who is affected, and we’re committed to helping however we can. We must all do our part to support Ukraine and its people!

As a reminder, our active loan markets are in Estonia, Finland, and Spain and so the current crisis has no direct effect on Bondora. We do not have any business operations in Russia or Belarus. We are continuing to serve all our customers, so you can keep on building your financial future.

What we’ve done so far

We have made a donation to Mondo, an NGO that is providing humanitarian relief in Ukraine to those who need it most; and we are exploring further ways how to help the Ukrainian people. We are also providing support to any employees whose families are affected, including relocation support. We’re encouraging all our customers, who are able, to do whatever they can to help those who need it. 

The road ahead

We will continue to monitor the situation closely and take action to protect our customers. Bondora is complying with all the regulations, as well as any new sanctions if they should become relevant to us.

We want to reassure you that we are operating as usual, and none of our business activities or plans are affected. Bondora was established during the 2008 global financial crisis, and profitable since 2017—we’re built to withstand hardships and to serve you, no matter the global situation.

We will continue to keep your money safe, diversify your investment portfolio, and we are always here to support you.

If you have any questions or concerns or want to find out how you can help the people in Ukraine, please reach out to us via our support website

Wishing you all the best,
Pärtel Tomberg

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