Can I switch from one product to another? (Video)

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Yes, you can easily switch between the Go & Grow, Portfolio Pro and Portfolio Manager at any time without having to withdraw to bank account first.

For example, if you’d like to switch from Go & Grow to Portfolio Pro, first go to your Go & Grow page and disable the auto-transfer, to avoid money being transferred back to your Go & Grow account automatically.

Then, to withdraw, select the “Withdraw“ tab from your main menu and in the first step, select “Bondora”, in the second step, choose the Go & Grow account you want to withdraw from and in the third step enter the amount and confirm it. The money will then be transferred to your main account and your Portfolio Pro will start investing from there.

For more, connect with us on Facebook @bondoracapital and subscribe to our channel for more videos. Until next time, thanks for watching, keep investing and bye for now.

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