Is P2P a Ponzi scheme? Industry news and an interview with Bondora inside

Bondora in the news

Aktien mit Kopf recently visited Bondora’s offices in Tallinn and conducted an interview with our CEO and Founder, Pärtel Tomberg. They discuss a number of topics raised by their enthusiastic P2P subscribers, ranging from Ponzi schemes in P2P lending to buy-back guarantees and Bondora’s future plans. Make sure to watch it if you haven’t already. P.S. The main interview is in English.

Bondora monthly news and mentions

Industry news

The Belfast Telegraph talks of the restraints on small business owners to find quick and suitable funding options. This issue is being addressed in Northern Ireland with several options emerging in Peer-to-Peer lending, independent lenders and finance providers.

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Verdict celebrates the 13th birthday of the Peer-to-Peer lending industry, covering its origins and developments over the years. They quote Robert Pettigrew, director of the P2PFA, saying “P2P is actually providing a disruptive force in that it is good for the consumer, good for investors”.

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Business Wire discusses Capegemini’s World FinTech Report 2018, which has a high focus on the customer experience and specifically how innovative Fintech’s are challenging the traditional customer journey. They continue to note that collaboration between traditional firms and the Fintech’s is key to delivering in line with customer’s increasing expectations.

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Reuters published a piece on the shift in focus by the large banks since the financial crisis of 2008. After this period, the banks have been mainly focusing on repairing the financial impacts felt on their business and managing the significant changes in regulation. Now, with the start of open-banking, they are ploughing all of their resources in to trying to catch up with the latest technology used by Fintech’s.

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Disrupt Africa elaborates on the struggles experienced by regulators to keep up with the innovative services being offered by Fintech Start-ups. While the article focuses on a need for further regulation in the African markets, they encourage competition between Fintech companies and hope to avoid a monopolization.

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Finews discusses the new Fintech partnership announced between Switzerland and Hong Kong. “The agreement between the two wealth hubs will see SFC and Finma cooperate to share information on financial technology trends, developments and related regulatory issues as well as on organizations which promote innovation in financial services.”

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