Join the Bondora community on Facebook

Many of the most encouraging stories don’t come from us, they come from our users.

Bondora Facebook page

Bondora has a wide community of users that share their experiences, tips and insights. Now, you can join this group on Facebook. We provide regular update on topics like portfolio performance, new site features and tools.

As this community grows you’ll see how many different strategies our users leverage to beat their bank by generating better returns through marketplace lending. Through the power of social media you’ll be able to engage in discussions to learn how you can maximize the value of Bondora and become more comfortable with our features and tools.

When you join us on Facebook, you’ll receive daily updates that deliver concise data and writing to keep you informed with the latest news. You can also use our Facebook page to message us directly with questions or suggestions. We keep an open line of communication and wish to initiate a dialogue with our users.

Discover us on Facebook and meet others like you interested in seeking a better investment returns.


Check out our Facebook page

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